Friday, September 14, 2012

iPhone 5 : Is the new iPhone inspired from other current generation SmartPhones?

iPhone 5 was launched on Wednesday in San Francisco and as usual it attracted the people from all over the world. When iPhone was launched initially way back in 2007, it was one of the technological marvels the world witnessed. Apple made it by taking bits and pieces of mobile technologies everywhere and assembled it into one of the most beautiful package till date. Apple has been constantly doing so and has wooed customers from all over the world. It has always tried to fill the gaps, project the things it made to be the best and create a product that not just looks amazing but also performs the way it should. Lately Apple Inc. hasn't been so innovative and the technologies it has been introducing for a while in its new product line-up dosn't seem to be that cool. Well here is where I will point out many things that reflect my point of understanding that the company now has been constantly being inspired from sources outside Cupertino. I will sum up it in just two broad points, the hardware; the software.

Two very similar phones on which Samsung was sued in US
1. The Hardware that Apple puts in its products is hard work of Asian Electronic giants like LG, Sharp, Samsung, which was recently attacked by its own customer, The Apple Inc. Funny the world works that way but the key point here is that if you adore your Apple products and love to see everything functioning so well, fast and nice then not only thank Apple and its engineering team but also give your appreciations to companies that make the chips, processors and displays for Apple.
Now if you look at the latest iPhone 5 it now has bigger screen. Where do you think this came from? Have human hands become bigger in 5 years or is it that Tim Cook was waiting to show his own version of iPhone? Well this inspiration came from another source. If you look at today's smartphones, Android have captured global markets at an alarming pace. Success could be partly because of larger screens at lower prices. Yes people love bigger phones, It gives them some kind of superiority over others. Maybe bigger screens attract more people to look at your phones or just whatever but that's the trend and Apple reluctantly followed it. It was not long when Apple was confident enough to say that 3.5 inch was the phone experience but what have they done now? Funny!!
Android and iOS Notifications

2. My second point is the software. It is here where we can really see the company trying to mimic other mobile OS in the market. The biggest one of them being the notifications. They immediately realized what Google was doing great at. They knew people love notifications and the way android had implemented it was the best of course. Hence now you cans see new notifications on the top of your iPhone. They have cut down the iTunes for syncing so that one can wireless sync phone another inspiration. Then they made their own Map Application to counter attack Google Maps and which so much resembles it. Launching apps from lock screen, split keyboard on iPads, over the air updates, and even their so much hyped Siri is actually been inspired from Google Voice and much much more. They always highlight with 200-300 new features with every iteration but just imagine how many of them have been taken from other mobile platforms. I just took the examples of Android, but so many features have also been taken from other mobile OS like Windows Phone, RIM etc.

Lets not forget a companies main motto is to make money and i think Apple has made so much that it is now most valued company of the world. But with that stature and with more and more people beginning to be aware of Mobile technologies their innovations are getting foiled and people understand what revolutionary is and what is not. The most valued company needs to retain it uniqueness and not telling the world every time that this is the best phone in the world. People will automatically know that exceptionally mentioning it might mend some hearts but for a more logic class of people it may only create disinterest. 

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